Internet of Things (IoT)

January 27, 2023

Gabriela Riechelmann

Lawyer OAB/SP 490.022

Very likely, you make use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in your daily life, but what exactly is IoT?  

Concept of IoT

IoT is the connection of physical devices to the internet, aimed at facilitating users' lives by enabling task automation and system optimization. 

IoT in Brazil

Attentive to this new conception, Brazil established a national plan through the Decree No. 9,854 of 2019. In summary, the Decree aims to implement and develop the Internet of Things, based on free competition and data circulation. In addition, it observes information security guidelines and personal data protection. 

Thus, in its article 3, the objectives of the national plan are brought, namely:  

I – to improve people's quality of life and promote efficiency gains in services, through the implementation of IoT solutions; 

II – to promote professional training related to the development of IoT applications and the generation of jobs in the digital economy; 

III – to increase productivity and foster the competitiveness of Brazilian companies developing IoT, through the promotion of an innovation ecosystem in this sector; 

IV – to seek partnerships with the public and private sectors for the implementation of IoT; and 

V – to increase the country's integration into the international scenario, through participation in standardization forums, international cooperation in research, development, and innovation, and the internationalization of IoT solutions developed in the country. 

The National Plan also foresees that health, urban development, industry, and rural development are central topics, regardless of others that may be prioritized.  

IoT Chamber

In addition, the Plan also provides for the creation of the IoT Chamber, a multi-sectoral body, designed to assist in measures for the Internet of Things. Its objectives are to monitor the evolution and emergence of new applications, subsidize the formulation of public policies, and promote coordination and cooperation of the ecosystem. 

In conclusion, the National Internet of Things Plan represents an important initiative for our country, as it has the ability to better prepare the country for the debate and advancement of these new technologies, putting Brazil on par with the global scenario. 

It is important to highlight that the development of new technologies like IoT should always be in line with the protection and security of personal data! These various connected devices can bring information security problems, such as data leaks. Therefore, there must be harmony between IoT and the General Data Protection Law

* This article is for informational purposes only.


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