

Our story begins in 2017 when Vilma Picollo, a retired tax auditor with over 30 years of experience in Foreign Trade, decided to bring all her expertise to the world of law. And so, Clark & Picollo Law Firm was born.

With an unwavering commitment to improvement, Vilma brought not only her vast knowledge of customs issues to the legal field but also a unique perspective that combines technical rigor with a keen understanding of legal complexities.

Two years later, her son, Kayel Clark, also a lawyer and master's degree holder in International Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, joined the firm, bringing new directions and fresh energy. That's how the name Clark & Picollo Law Firm came to be.

Today, we take pride in being a national reference in Foreign Trade, serving small businesses to multinational corporations throughout Brazil. We deliver results, knowledge, experience, and an innovative mindset to our clients.

If you're seeking legal advice oriented toward innovative problem-solving, you've come to the right place. Join us and be part of this movement!

We're here to make a difference and ensure solid results for your business. 

Let's embark on this journey together!


The pillars of our service

Aqui, no escritório, acreditamos que é nosso dever garantir que você se sinta seguro em cada etapa da sua jornada jurídica. Por isso, estabelecemos 5 padrões de atendimento que orientam nossas decisões e refletem nossa identidade.

We encourage our clients to reach out to us anytime, without hesitation. We're here to solve problems efficiently and securely. You can count on us!

Our commitment is to always communicate in a clear and transparent manner. That means we will highlight our ability to handle your case and explain our strategy in a way that is crystal clear.

Our commitment is to always communicate in a clear and transparent manner. That means we will highlight our ability to handle your case and explain our strategy in a way that is crystal clear.

We're not interested in impressing you with big words and complex sentences. Our focus is on getting to the heart of the matter quickly and efficiently. We skip the unnecessary pageantry and dive right into the essentials, so we can provide you with practical solutions that actually work.
e indo direto ao ponto, priorizando assim soluções mais efetivas.

We provide our clients with easy access to all relevant information regarding the contracted service


The faces behind it

Conheça nossa equipe - os pilares do nosso sucesso! Essas pessoas que você vê abaixo são responsáveis por orientar nossa visão e entregar resultados excepcionais aos nossos clientes.

Not only are they experts in their fields, but they also bring youthful energy, a dynamic mindset, and an insatiable curiosity. Above all, they have an unwavering passion for transforming the world of law practice.

Click on the photos to learn more about each member of our team!

Vilma Picollo

OAB/SP 383.407

Lawyer graduated from the Metropolitan University of Santos (2005);

Postgraduate degree in Maritime Law from the Catholic University of Santos (2019);

Graduated in Business Administration at Facisa College of Social and Applied Sciences of Foz do Iguaçu;

Retired Auditor from the Federal Revenue Office.

Kayel Clark

OAB/SP 386.669​

Graduated from Damásio Law School (2016);

Master's in International Management from Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV (2019);

L.L.M em Direito Marítimo – Maritime Law Academy (2022); 

Fluent in English.

Gabriela Riechelmann

OAB/SP 490.022

 ‎ Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Santos – Unisantos (2022);

Currently pursuing a postgraduat‎ ‎ (latu sensu)‎ ‎degree in International Customs and Tax Law at the Maritime Law Academy;

Fluent in English.

Ana Beatriz Souza

Office Assistant

Currently studying Experience Design at the City University of São Paulo – UNICID

Victória louise mesquita

Law Intern

Currently studying Law at the University Santa Cecília – UNISANTA

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CNPJ 27.750.356/0001-07

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